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Clint Greenleaf
The Art of Firing
The art of firing is much like the art of throwing a hand grenade -- it's rarely done right, and even when it is, the results include...
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Clint Greenleaf
New Year's Plans For Everyone
Every new year, we re-evaluate our plans for the next 12 months. I took a look at my past lists and pulled the best five that I thought...
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Clint Greenleaf
Can The Truth Set Your Profits Free?
Current events give us daily examples of the toxicity of dishonesty in politics, sports, entertainment--and the business world bears...
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Clint Greenleaf
4 Mistakes Companies Make Working With Vendors
We work with many vendors in the book industry, and we've seen all sorts of personalities, styles, business practices and policies. Sure...
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Clint Greenleaf
Gregor Mendel's work in cross-pollination was groundbreaking for the scientific community -- botany has never been the same. Applied as...
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Clint Greenleaf
Stay On Top of Things
We're all busy. I've got a few plates spinning at any given time family and friends take up what little time is left when I leave the...
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Clint Greenleaf
A Reading List
It seemed natural to, at some point, blog about great books. I am, after all, a publisher. In order to make this list credible, though, I...
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Clint Greenleaf
New Year's Plans For Everyone
With the new year just a few days away, it's time to think about our plans for the next 12 months. I took a look at my list and pulled...
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Clint Greenleaf
Keep It Short
In Hamlet, Shakespeare said "Brevity is the soul of wit." Winston Churchill said, "Say what you have to say, and the first time you come...
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Clint Greenleaf
5 Things You Can Learn From Warren Buffett
This was my second year in Omaha for the most famous annual corporate meeting in the world. Berkshire Hathaway has been an American icon...
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Clint Greenleaf
The Next President and Your Business
Every four years our country elects a new president. Then, after a few months of relative silence, the process begins again. It feels...
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Clint Greenleaf
Why I Love Recessions!
The sky is falling. The economy is in the tank. Your 401(k) will soon be worthless. No one is spending. Job cuts are swift and deep....
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Clint Greenleaf
Gifts That Really Say Thanks
My dad is a bright guy -- he's been feeding me good business ideas for a long time. One of my favorites is something I adopted years ago...
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Clint Greenleaf
In Praise of the Office Barber
I'm kind of a time-management nut. I like to make the best use of every minute in the day. I should first admit that for me, part of the...
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Clint Greenleaf
There’s a great lesson in self-discipline that every company can learn -- one that can result in improved morale, increased customer...
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Clint Greenleaf
Stop The Layoffs!
In tough economic times companies notoriously try to cut costs by resorting to their fallback plan: employee layoffs. Millions of them....
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Clint Greenleaf
Are You Missing Good Opportunities?
GM once threatened to shut down Saab as the deal to sell the brand to a Dutch car-maker languished. I'll leave it to others to debate...
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Clint Greenleaf
My (Thoughts on) Apologies
When public officials or famous people make a big mistake, it is often followed by a public apology. They do a big news conference to...
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Clint Greenleaf
You Need Help
It's hard to ask for help. Pride isn't necessarily admirable, but our smarts and hard work helped us get here... and admitting that we...
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Clint Greenleaf
How Well Do You Know Your Cash Situation?
There is no single aspect of any business more important than cash. In fact, it's the only really unifying element of all businesses --...
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