A Disciplined, Innovative Entrepreneur
Beyond the Piggy Bank
A Simple Plan for Raising Financially Capable Children

The basics of parenting take up so much time and energy that teaching children about money often falls by the wayside. But in a world where financial illiteracy has become a crisis, and where many kids remain financially dependent well into adulthood, giving your children a financial education is more important then ever.
In Beyond the Piggybank, Clint Greenleaf — entrepreneur, CEO, CPA, and father of three — reveals what he learned in a survey of all the best literature and resources on children and money. He realized that there’s no “right” way to teach children about finances; instead, he decided to build a framework—a checklist of the important areas to cover, from allowances and earning money to saving and banking, that every parent can to tailor their own situations and values.
After encouraging parents to explore their own financial values and level of financial literacy, Greenleaf begins a chapter-by-chapter exploration of the framework, delivering further reading and resources along they way. By the book’s end, you’ll feel ready to make most important investment you’ll ever make: the time and effort you put into your child’s financial education.
Learn more about the book at http://pigsandbricks.com
"BEYOND THE PIGGY BANK goes a long way towards filling a critical and alarming void in today's society: our young people are not learning how to handle money....They're not learning it at home. They're not learning it in school. Sadly and far too often, they're learning it the hard way from their mistakes and poor judgment....In this short and highly readable book, Clint maintains that parents must handle their children's financial education in their own way and in synch with family values, practices, and income level. He lays out the key considerations (on allowances, what children should be expected to pay for, working for pay, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, etc.). Then he discusses what experts have said about each of them and maps out pros and cons, with guidelines and honest talk about what he and his wife have chosen in each area and why. What you have by the end of the book is a clear roadmap for developing a sensible and effective plan for your family, one that will grow with your children and adapt as your circumstances change....The author was sensitive to the unique issues of both higher and lower income families, and what I especially appreciated about his approach was that he didn't preach and didn't try to make one plan fit everyone. He did, however, make a great case that financial literacy, when taught properly, can teach youngsters far more than just how to count and track money....This book would be a great gift for any parents who have young children. It will guide them in creating a solid foundation of knowledge and sensible money habits that can help ensure their children's happiness and security for years to come."
- Elizabeth H. Cottrell
April 18, 2015