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Clint Greenleaf
The Art of Firing
The art of firing is much like the art of throwing a hand grenade -- it's rarely done right, and even when it is, the results include...
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Clint Greenleaf
Protecting Yourself From Lawsuits
Just in case you haven't heard, most lawyers are a pain in the ass and all lawsuits suck. If this is news to you, get down on your knees...
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Clint Greenleaf
Paranoia: Your Best Friend
I've spent almost my entire business life paranoid. It's not the most relaxing way to live -- I envy friends who walk around with a...
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Clint Greenleaf
The Power of Forgiveness
Tony Alessandra, the author of The Platinum Rule, is a hall of fame professional speaker, a bestselling author, and is close friends with...
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